A Very Loud Silence

I haven’t written since June. I kept promising, in various ways, to various people, that the next post was coming. Soon. Hopefully. Maybe.

I could lie and say I was just too busy. I was, I’ll admit, but not enough to prevent continuing from writing.

I could say it was because life got in the way. It sure tried. Health not only suffered a major backslide, but just this past week I was subjected to a very traumatic event that resulted in physical injury, nightmares, anxiety and depression, and may end with a lawsuit.

I made a few promises, to myself and here on the blog. One promise I made to myself was that I wasn’t going to be another blog that dragged politics or religion into my writing. The promise I made here, in writing, was that I was never going to sugarcoat or lie about what was happening. No bullshit.

I’m on the path to become a minister at least, most likely a pastor, so keeping church and religion is out of the question. It’s taking a front seat as the thing I want to do with my life. That doesn’t mean I’m going to become some kind of crazed, bible thumping Evangelist, shoving my beliefs down your throat or in your face, but it will mean, inevitably, that I will discuss things that happen or relate to things here while on that path.

Political topics? It’s a bit hard to avoid politics right now when talking about living incurable. Disability and chronic illness, mental illness, all these things are inextricably linked to our current deadlock with healthcare and the horrible systems that punish people for being poor and sick; two things we largely have no control over.

So this stands as both a warning and a redrawing of expectations. This is still a place of total honesty and a sugar free look into one perspective of living with a lot of things wrong with me (and a lot of things right). That included, however, the guts to admit that this transparency means seeing stuff I didn’t originally intend to include. If it bothers you, I will do my best to remember tags so that you can just not see those posts. If it really bothers you? Well, no one’s making you read this, so I guess we’ll see what you decide to do.

Thanks for your patience, your support, and for accompanying me on this wild ride. Hopefully, with my head a little more sorted and my intentions clearly stated, my writing will pick back up with more adventures, misadventures, and a few shenanigans thrown in for sport.

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